Talent management is the entire spectrum of HR processes, aimed at creating an engagedand empowered workforce, which makes it possible for organisations to reach their goals.With the intent to enhance the strategic business value of organisations, talent managementincludes core HR processes to attract, recruit, onboard, develop, motivate and retainrecognised talents within the organisation. People Psyence® advocates the use of a… Continue reading Talent Management & High Potential
Succession planning is a systematic approach to identifying and developing future leadersfor the organisation. The aim of succession planning is to create a ready talent pool, with thebest suited talents to succeed mission critical positions within the organisation. Besides advocating the use of valid and reliable assessment tools that help identify thestrengths and development needs for individuals to be included… Continue reading Succession Planning
Design thinking is a human-centred approach to designing solutions. It is an iterative process that focuses on understanding users through empathy and prototyping. By understanding users’ needs, designers cangain insights into the desirability and synthesise this with business requirements and technological feasibility to deliver meaningful solutions for users and stakeholders. This method consists of 5 stages —Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype… Continue reading Design Thinking & Innovation
A competency model is the compilation of a set of competencies to form a framework whichascertains the behaviours, skills, experience and knowledge required for one to performsuccessfully within a defined work setting. In other words, a competency model helps todefine the expectations for success for each role or function within the organisation. While there is no standard set of competencies… Continue reading Competency Modelling